Chest Update (0.0.6)

Hello, people of the void,

Today I have updated and made a mobile APK version of the game. This update includes A new event-type chest, bug fixes, and mobile updates. This update also contains some hints for the next update. I'm Connor the Designer and today I will be diving into how and why I made this game and the updates that are included.

Core Idea:

My wife has always hated studying so, I thought that for one of my first game projects in a long time, it would be great to make an RPG with a basic combat system and a reward system for taking time to study. This version of the app is now made and can be improved with each update. After redoing the code so that it will work on mobile devices (I hope, still need to test it). You can also use the app in the web browser. Now that you know the problem and goal of the app you can help improve it.  At the bottom of the update, you can email to give feedback.

Update 0.0.6: Chest Update

This update adds a chest at the end of your timer, which can be used to give you a stat boost. I'm pretty proud of the animation that I made for the chest. The chest will one day, give you items that can only be found outside the shop. I hope to make the game have a more rogue-lite map so that the player can plan their path. The large problem is recoding the explore system, which with school may take some time, but I hope to do that with the shop update. Alongside area bosses. I also decreased the default timer to 15 minutes to give the player more time to enjoy the game.

Below is a guide to each item you can find:

Pearls: Boost Mag

Meats: Boost Atk

Honey: Boost Def

Coffee: Boost Spd

If you need to get a hold of me please email me at


Main App Play in browser
29 days ago
Mobile Verison 37 MB
29 days ago

Get Study Quest [Test Build 0.0.6]

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